We have been busy bees. There is always something new, everyday.
My mother has finally arrived. It's nice to have another hand to help me, but sometimes hard to adjust since usually I only have one set of hands! Either way, we are glad to have her come visit. We haven't made many 'exciting' or 'adventurous' dinners while she is here, but hopefully today will change that. My mother and I are making Shrimp gumbo today. I am beyond ecstatic because I haven't had any in a LONG time and I have always wanted to know how to make it. Intriguing to say the least :)
Let me start at the beginning of this week.
I traveled to Seoul to pick mom up. After making it to Seoul solo, I rode a 45 minute subway to get the airport and get mom. After we finally found each other, we rode the subway 45 minutes back to Seoul. Once our exhausted selves finally made it to the hotel and checked in, we were ready for resting lol! Instead of resting (because of course you can do that when your dead), we went out and walked around the streets for a while. We ate at KFC (a safe place for a tourist) and waited on Joshua to get up to Seoul from work. He finally made it to the hotel around 11pm and we all fell asleep promptly after he arrived.
Saturday, we went shopping. Oh boy did we go shopping :) It was great. We walked around in some traditional Korean markets. I bought a little bit of fabric and some buttons to add to my button collection. I also got a new floppy hat. It's big and I love it :) Then we went to the shopping district. I was lucky enough to discover H&M and Forever 21. *Sigh* I haven't shopped at a 'normal' store in a long time. Normal meaning a place where they don't follow me around the store and they don't chastise me and tell me that I can't wear those clothes because they won't fit me. It was divine. And I loved it. I haven't felt so American in a long time.
Sunday was Insook's wedding day.
^^Joshua and I had bought new clothes for the big day. We had some slacks tailor-made for Joshua and I went shopping at a local Korean store and bought a dress, shoes, a belt and a jacket! We felt pretty authentic in our Korean clothes :)Anyways, back to the REAL story! Ha- Insook is a friend of mom's from church. She is Korean and came home to Korea for a bit to have her traditional Korean wedding. It was amazing. I have never seen anything like it.
^^This is Insook. She was all dolled up and looked great even though I can only imagine that she was sweltering in all the layers of clothes she was wearing.
^^This is Jim, her American husband! I can only imagine that he was sweltering, as well!
After the wedding, we went to a local wine bar and ate some little appetizers and drank a little wine and chatted with Insook, her husband and some of their Korean-American friends that came out to the wedding, as well. After a couple hours of socializing, we went and saw Kung Fu Panda 2. Needless to say, Joshua loved it. I think he laughed more than the little kid behind us Ha!
Monday, we headed home with all of my new shopping bags in tow. We had a nice time in Seoul and I can't wait to go back and visit again soon.
We are now back home and happy to be sitting in our own casa!
Welp, off to make some Blondie Brownies for the dinner tonight. Will hopefully write sooner next time :)
And I will leave you with the quote I found today. I love Julia Child :)
"Non-cooks think it's silly to invest two hours' work in two minutes' enjoyment; but if cooking is evanescent, so is the ballet." - Julia Child
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