We are ready but I have to say it's bitter sweet. Sweet to go home, see family, start on our new adventure in CO, but so bitter to leave these sweet friends of mine and this easy-going way of life. We are happy to get home to the land of dollar aisles but sad to leave this place we call home and these people we call friends. I'm intrigued to see how our Colorado adventure turns out!
When I say this past week has been busy, I mean- it's been BUSY! Let's start at the beginning.
Last Wednesday (Aug 31), Joshua's battalion took a trip to the DMZ in Seoul. We had a BLAST! I love history so when we got to the DMZ and actually saw the North Korean soldiers first hand, I was in awe. We got a look at Propaganda Village and the buildings where the presidents of each country meet to sign paperwork and to have peace talks. We saw numerous monuments and saw the bridge of no return. Amazing. Truly amazing.
The DMZ. North Korea is in front of us. The three soldiers farthest from us are North Korean soldiers. The 3 soldiers closest to us are South Korean soldiers.
South Korean soldier guarding the door to North Korea...as if any of us actually want to go there :P
Propaganda Village
Then Friday, we went with Joshua's unit to Everland theme park in Suwon. Suwon is a city about an hour or so train ride south of Seoul. We went to the theme park and then went to the water park. Was a lot of fun!

The water park
Me in one of the picture places
Joshua and his friends on a ride
Joshua and some of the guys.
Saturday, Joshua and I traveled down to Busan. We hung out at the beach a little and then went to the really big aquarium. It was a lot of fun and nice little getaway.
Sunday we took the train in and I got off a stop early and met some of my girlfriends for lunch and pedicures. We are all slowly departing Korea so we met to say goodbye to one of our girls. :( It was a nice day but sad for the reason we were meeting. Monday (Labor day), Joshua, me and a few friends met up at the pool on post, grilled out and swam. It was a lot of fun! Tuesday, we went to Woobang Theme park which is here in the Daegu area. It was mostly filled with rides suited best for the little ones, but it was a lot of fun nevertheless. We really enjoyed ourselves. Wednesday morning, I had coffee with the girls as the one last thing we could do before any of us left and then that evening, we ate at grill-your-own-steak night at the bowling alley. That was a lot of fun, as well.
Tonight, we are cooking for the guys. Broccoli, rice and cheese casserole as well as 'funeral potatoes' and a new dessert that I'm testing out.... will update with the recipe soon :)
Okay, I've spent so much time writing all this that now I've got to get started cooking in preparation for tonight!
Off I go! Hugs! We'll be home soon!
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