
This is a blog to keep our family and friends up to date on our lives even though we all live so far away from each other!

Sunday, July 10, 2011


Gosh, over two weeks in between postings! I feel like I'm slippin'! We have had a nice past two weeks. This past weekend was lots of fun. We celebrated July 4th with a much needed 4 day weekend. This (much needed) four day weekend was then followed up with a 3 day work week for Joshua which meant our weekend came again even sooner. It was nice to have him home for a while.
I've been busy just working/volunteering and all the housework that is still necessary here in our little casa de Delp. Washing clothes, washing dishes and keeping the house clean can be hard work sometimes! Sigh. Other than that, we are just counting down our time left in Korea. In 5 days, it will officially be 2 months left for me! I think it will be bittersweet. I've gotten so used to being here and living this way- no car, no family, no best friends and yet still being able to survive. It will be weird to go back to the states and have a car, my family and my closest friends all within the same continent. Not really sure how it will be. I think I'm in for some major reverse culture shock. Waiters that actually come by your table to check on you and refill your drinks, sales people that don't follow you around the store, not being watched as I walk, people being able to overhear any of my conversations because they will all be able to speak my language. Oh how odd it will be.
The next three weeks will be high-stress.Joshua's schedule is: this week Tues-Fri in the field, the next week mon-fri in the field, the 3rd week mon-fri in the field.
Could they take my husband away enough? I swear he's not supposed to be deployed yet, they treat him as such. Oh well, I guess I'm just glad I have him all the other time and at least he'll be home on the weekends. That is definitely something to be thankful for.
This week for the boys, I'm making chicken and dumplings. Not sure how it will turn out as I have never made it before. My back up dish (in case I fail miserably) will be tatertot casserole. Yum! I may just make the tatertot casserole just so that I can have it even if we don't eat it.
Anyway. That's our life from the past week or so. Will write again soon.

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