Well, these past few weeks have been busy! I got a job working in the accounting department of the Stephen F Austin InterContinental hotel downtown Austin. I love the atmosphere of downtown. I will be working the night shift doing accouting and guest services (which means that at 3am when you wake up and see that a pipe has busted or you want room service,you call me and i call someone to go do whatever you need). It should be really fun once I get started. Ive been working/ training on the day shift for the past two weeks. I have learned so much and have met some super awesome people! I feel like I'm really getting the hang of it! It's so exciting!
We actually have had some really cool people stay with us during SXSW going on this past week. We had Ashley Greene from the Twilight series come stay with us for a couple of nights! It was so exciting since I'm such a nerd for the Twilight book series. I didn't get to meet her,etc but atleast I know that we were at the same place for a while! haha :) We also had Jordin Sparks come stay with us before she performed at the Rodeo. That was really exciting as well!
I've become a "Hobby Lobby" aholic. I love that store! It's so fabulous! Everytime I go in there to buy fabric, I always leave with more! haha I'm sure they love me there! I've recently been trying to get a little bit more crafty so that I can be more frugal with planning our wedding. I have finally and officially sent out the save the dates! Yay!! I am so glad to have that accomplished! I am working on making some little tissue "for your tears of joy" packets for the wedding! At Hobby Lobby, of course, I found some little tissues that have the letter "d" on them for Delp! They will go perfect with the wedding! I am so excited. I am also still working on my flower pomander balls! They are looking awesome! Thanks so much to everyone who had continually offered their help on all my little craft projects :) I am actually looking into printing our own invites to be a little bit more cost efficient. I found a site that would give us all the materials to make an awesome invite but will allow us to print it out at home. It would save us a good bit of mula, I think.
Last Saturday, Sarah, Emily, Carly, Ashley's sister Amanda (who had never been before!), Mom and me all went to the Austin Rodeo. It was extreme bull riding night and Eli Young Band was playing. For anyone who doesn't know who Eli Young is, they are a Texas country band. They're so great. It was a lot of fun. Sarah,the girls and mom all went home pre-concert but Amanda and I stayed to enjoy it! It was so fabulous! I even got to shake Eli Young's hand! How cool :)

Mom and the girls on the Carousel

Me and Emily on the ferris wheel
Last Sunday, Melissa was in Austin so we took little Antonio to the Austin's Children's Museum. He LOVED it! He was so interested in the trains and the blocks.

Mel and Antonio watching the trains :)

He was so intrigued. It was so fun to watch!
One of Joshua's very close friends, Dustin, came home for a few weeks from Korea to see his wife and baby. They brought little Tyler over for me to babysit while they took a few hours to spend shopping and just getting to hang out solo. He is such a fun little kid and he was dancing for me! It was hilarious! :) He is such a fabulous baby. I wish they would bring him over more! I love seeing Tabitha and Tyler!

I guess thats the most "exciting" news for the past few weeks. I'm hoping that Joshua's mom might get a chance to come up next weekend! I would love to see Ms Linda!
Until Next Time :)
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