Ive been back for about 2 weeks officially. It's difficult to readjust to having friends again and actually driving a car.
I've found that my friends that I used to see and talk to every day before I left have shunned me. Josh had to give me the speech that soldiers always get when they leave to go overseas- "People have readjusted their lives while you were gone so it will take a while for them to adjust back to having you". I'm just not that patient.
Its hard trying to please everyone. Everyone wants me to do everything with me-people call and text and expect that I can do everything at once. It's hard to have to relearn how to balance everything while still trying to be able to answer all of Joshua's calls. For the first week, my phone was acting up and wouldnt let me accept phone calls so eventually I went to a TMobile store and they fixed it.I was relieved since I hadnt gotten to talk to Joshua a whole lot.
Things have been tough. Being away from Joshua is the worst. I thought I missed him a lot before I left for Korea but I think I've missed him more now that I'm back.
Its been a tough few weeks but I have faith that things will get better, preferably soon :)
Sarah and Steve finally got married.it was nice to see the ceremony but definitely teared me up knowing that Joshu and I will be doing the same thing soon :)

I do believe that I will keep up with this blog even though I'm not in Korea anymore. Especially for you Mrs Karen ;)
Ashley and I had a meeting with a photographer yesterday. She was so sweet. Her blog is here. You can tell by her additude and blog that she is an awesome Christian lady. I do believe that we will be booking her soon for our October 3rd wedding. I chose our wedding venue about 4 months ago- Vintage Villas in Austin. Im glad to finally be getting closER to the wedding. We've still got 8 months left to plan. I feel like its taking forever and just dragging by.
I am ready to get back to Joshua already.
Until Next Time,
ps- This is one of the last pics we took in Korea. We found a store called Hanna's and I just had to take a pic in front of it :)

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