First things first,we had a snow day :):) well more like a snow snowed on Tuesday and its been so cold that its just stayed here since then!Friday afternoon and we've still got lots of snow and ice!We only got a few inches,but I was so excited :) I was like a kid in a candy store.lots and lots of pictures haha.One thing I did learn was that snow is definitely cold.definitely not weather for a Texas girl ;)
^thats just as the snow started to come down
Next, we got permission from the Commander over the whole 2-1 ADA Unit for me to live in Joshuas barracks room. Its quite a big deal since we didnt think he would agree to let me do it. Usually they only let spouses stay in the barracks because of course theres always the chance that itll be some random girl that a guy just started dating and the girl claims she got hurt by him,etc then it would fall back on the commanders shoulders because he let her stay in there.When they gave us the permission,they also gave us a lovely little speech about how we're not supposed to "mess this up" or anything.So that is a little bit of good news for us :)
Of course,I must mention that Univ of Alabama won the National Championship for College Football.It was a great showdown and I'm so glad the boys pulled through.The Bear must have been looking down on us ;)Roll Tide.
But enough about that.
I also finally booked my plane ticket home. Because of the time difference,I will be leaving Korea on the afternoon of the 31st of January and getting to Austin at 315pm January 31st.Just incase yall wanna give me a suprise party,ill be getting it at about 315 ;)
just kiddingggg.
if you havent seen them already,you need to check them out.Sarah (my sister) took my nieces to meet Sarah Palin while she was at Ft Hood doing a book signing.When they got up to meet Mrs Palin,she asked Emily if she could write that it was "to emily" in the book.Emily said "no thank you,i can write my own name" and proceeded to take the pen from Sarah Palin's hands and write her name in the book next to Sarah Palins signature.Emily is a hoot.heres the link
Its about 9 pictures.more than most people got.Em is a celeb! ;) for now!
I love you guys and can't wait to see you soon!
Until Next Time,
So happy for you... Hugs!