We haven't done too much of anything lately. It really hasnt felt like Christmas.Maybe its because I'm getting older so time slips by faster or maybe its because I wasnt at home this year?It honestly just felt like another day.Maybe it was both-I wasnt home and time has just been slipping by.
Christmas eve was fun. We hung out at Josh's room and spent the night at his barracks. In the morning on Christmas Day, we opened presents and Joshua finally got his 'Halo Wars' Risk Game.I kept it a suprise and he was so excited when he opened it. It was great. I got an Alabama Snuggie from Aunt Olga-I was very excited :) Joshua and I have been using it :) I like to wear it the right way and he likes to wear it backwards.haha
Christmas Day, We ate lunch at the Cafeteria on post. We ate yummy mac & cheese, ham, turkey, and all kinds of good stuff. YUM!we also had dinner there too. They had it all decked out-decorations,cake,etc. it was good. All day,we just watched movies. First we watched The Grinch Who Stole Christmas,later after dinner, we went to Joshua's Sgt's barracks room and watched 2012 and Couples Retreat with some of the guys. Both movies were really good!
On the 26th, Katie and Thomas invited some people over to their house for an "after Christmas party".
All in all,it was a decent holiday weekend. It was nice to have Joshua home for 4 days straight.Next weekend is New Years. We might be going to Seoul with another couple,not sure if we've got the mula yet,but if we can-we are going to go!
I finally got my Christmas present from Ashley today. She got me a pink Coach Passport cover.only she would know that i wanted something like that.She's super fabulous.Not to mention-awesome!Thanks so much,ash!
Well we love you guys and miss you terribly.I'm starting the countdown until I get home-January 31st is when I fly back in.
Until Next Time, America
Merry Christmas Hannah ... glad you are having a wonderful time! Hugs!