I feel like I've been on an emotional rollercoaster this week. Ups & Downs. On top of that, I feel like I'm gaining weight- just what I want before I get all dolled up and walk down the aisle, right? Dang it!!
Went and visited my flower girls, aka- my two gorgeous nieces, today in Killeen. The oldest niece, Meme, had swimming lessons! I got a few fun shots of her in the water. The youngest niece was definitely jealous that Meme was in the water. She pouted for a while about it. I got a few fun shots of her, too :)
Carly and My sister, one of my bridesmaids, watching Meme swim!
Meme kicking around the water!
Carly drinking my sweet tea!
Last week, we had a fun guest- Adam West! Old school batman! How fun! It was neat to get to see him walk down our marble stairs and get into his car with his chauffer! Wouldn't that be fun to have someone drive you everywhere??! Ahh...the life,right?
I created a flickr.com page for wedding guests to post their pictures after the wedding. I also went to zazzle.com and created some small business size cards that have the directions of how to login to flickr.com to add pictures to our website once they get home from the wedding and get them downloaded! The little cards are going to look awesome! I'm so looking forward to receiving that package in the mail! WooHoo!
I also created (on zazzle.com) some postcards with our preprinted address on them and pictures of the Austin capitol from the 40s or 50s on it! I cropped and placed the pictures on there, etc all on my own! I figure we're going to give them out in our welcome baskets for out-of-towners and for our guests in general. My plan for them is to write their favorite part of our event and mail it back to us so that we can keep them as souveniers of our wedding weekend :)
Joshua has been doing well. He was out in the field for about a week and just made it home this past week. I am so glad he is back. It never fails to amaze me how much I miss him when I can't talk to him constantly. He's my partner in life and it never fails that when I can't talk to him a lot, I end up with a bajillion things to tell him by the end of the day! I can't wait for him to make it home from Korea... I just can't wait!
Since we are paying for the wedding, we are attempting to collect money so that we can pay for his ticket home but just haven't gotten it together yet. Ah! Money is one of my biggest stressors. We have been successful in planning this wedding and paying for it with cash and no loans, cc's, etc. I will be frustrated if we have to break that for a plane ticket. Boo!
Either way, we have just continued on our "planning path". We are looking forward to getting to next 3 1/2 months outta the way! October 3rd, here we come!!
Until Next Time,
The Future Mrs.!